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Reflecting on a Challenging Week

As we head into Shabbat, we reflect on what a challenging week this has been for our community.

Last week, two congresswomen were barred from entering Israel because of politically-motivated pressure from the President of the United States.

We saw these same congresswomen share cartoons by a recognized Holocaust denier, and try to diminish the Jewish connection to our homeland, the land of Israel. We saw them hold a press conference that demonized those who support Israel, and the liberation movement known as Zionism, despite the simple and indisputable fact that the drive to Zion is the one thing unifying the Jewish diaspora for thousands of years.

We saw the President evoke one of the most dangerous antisemitic canards—dual loyalty—when he called American Jews disloyal for supporting progressives. We saw him continue his despicable attempts to use our very existence as a weapon to divide our country for pure political gain.

During weeks like this, it is hard to be an American Jew. It is hard to be a progressive. It is hard to be a Zionist. But we stand proudly, unabashedly and unapologetically in the shadow of millions of Zionists and progressives who fought for social justice, for Jewish self-determination and for us, the Zionesses carrying on their legacy.

We must stand alongside and support each other—whether it’s through a kind word in a text, a like on a social media post, or a simple smile at synagogue. Our strength comes from our history, our community, and our commitment to a better world. We pledge, this Shabbat and every one hereafter, to reject any and all attempts to take our identities away from us.

Shabbat Shalom,

Team Zioness

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