Chloé is a proud Zionist, inspirational speaker, content creator, activist and thought leader working with communities of all ages, religions and ethnicities to build bonds and inspire human connection.
After spending a year as a Bartley fellow at the Wall Street Journal under Pulitzer prize winning journalist Bret Stephens, Chloé Valdary developed a theory of change called The Theory of Enchantment, a framework of conflict resolution and interpersonal growth rooted in themes found in pop culture. Since then, Chloé has lectured on this theory in communities around the world, teaching how to bring about conflict transformation and reconciliation in previously polarized spaces.Now, Chloé is taking ‘The Theory of Enchantment’ from the non-profit sector to the corporate world. Combining the psychology of persuasion with profound insights from household names in pop culture, the ‘Theory of Enchantment’ is a philosophy that can help communities navigate an increasingly polarized world and help tap human potential along the way.