- Respectful Communication: Treat everyone with respect. Personal attacks, hate speech, discriminatory remarks aren’t tolerated.
- Inclusivity: Embrace diversity. We’re a community of different backgrounds, beliefs, identities. Respectful discussions about differences strengthen our group.
- Constructive Dialogue: Encourage constructive, positive interactions. Avoid escalating conflicts, engage in meaningful conversation to promote understanding/growth.
- Privacy & Safety: Don’t share personal information about members without consent. Respect privacy/personal boundaries of all members.
- No Spam: Avoid posting irrelevant messages, links, advertisements. Keep content relevant to goals/activities of Zioness.
- Reporting Concerns: If you see something concerning, report it to moderators. Moderators maintain a safe space & take necessary action to address issues.
- Anti-Discrimination: We stand against all forms of discrimination, including but not limited to antisemitism, racism, sexism, transphobia. Language/actions against this principle is strictly prohibited.
- Legal & Ethical Conduct: Engage only in legal/ethical behavior. Promote honesty/integrity in all interactions.
- Moderation: Moderators reserve the right to remove posts/members violating guidelines to ensure group safety/integrity.
- Liability: Zioness is NOT liable for statements/actions made by individuals not affiliated with our national organization or community moderators. All member’s posts reflect their own views, not those of Zioness.
- Partisan Neutrality: As a 501c3, Zioness cannot endorse/support political parties/candidates. Please refrain from sharing content that could be construed as political endorsement.