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This Yom HaAtzmaut, we remember what we’re fighting for

I remember Israel’s 50th birthday. I would have been 10 years old, wearing a festive dress in the expansive parking lot of my local JCC, which had been converted into a fairgrounds featuring live music, warm falafel, and booths offering a variety of activities and items for sale. There’s a photo of my twin sister …

JCRB|AJC to host program about progressive Zionism

The Jewish Community Relations Bureau|AJC is bringing Neta Meltzer, the national vice president of community engagement for the progressive Zionist movement Zioness, to Kansas City to speak about Zionism.  “Zionism as a Progressive Value: A Jewish Community Conversation” will take place from 7 to 8 p.m. on March 1, 2023, in the social hall at the …

Dores for Israel Hosts Zioness Founder Amanda Berman

Dores for Israel, Vanderbilt’s on-campus Israel advocacy group, invited Amanda Berman to Hillel on Nov. 10 to speak about her experiences being at the intersection of “progressivism and Zionism.” Berman is the founder and executive director of Zioness, a national organization pushing for Zionist representation in activism and social justice movements. Berman began her talk …

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