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Zioness Statement on Donald Trump’s Praise of Notorious Antisemite Henry Ford’s “good bloodlines”

Zioness Statement on Donald Trump’s Praise of Notorious Antisemite Henry Ford’s “good bloodlines”

In May 1920, Henry Ford’s newspaper, The Dearborn Independent, began publishing one of the most widely read antisemitic texts in American history, “The International Jew: The World’s Foremost Problem.” This appalling 80-part series cobbled together myriad antisemitic tropes and conspiracy theories, drawing heavily from the fabricated Russian text “Protocols of the Elders of Zion.” Ford bankrolled printing and distributing hundreds of thousands of copies of his paper to spread antisemitism and racism across America. His promotion of antisemitism, racism, and white supremacy influenced Nazis (including Hitler and Himmler), fascists, and hate-mongers globally.

Ford purposefully spread evil—virulent antisemitism and racism—that still poisons minds today. He denigrated black people with racist tropes that persist in our criminal justice system and beyond in our society. He spread the trope that Jews were too powerful to be victims of hate and that Zionism was a mechanism for Jews to seize global power. His work is still spread explicitly by white supremacists, but his hateful propaganda is spread implicitly by many more.

Now, 100 years later, the President of the United States praised Ford for his “good bloodlines,” echoing the despicable racism that Ford espoused. In an off-the-cuff remark at a Ford plant in Michigan, Donald Trump said, “The company founded by a man named Henry Ford — good bloodlines, good bloodlines. If you believe in that stuff, you’ve got good blood.”

With this statement, Trump resurrected Nazi language to extol a Nazi supporter, at a time when deadly antisemitism is rising around the globe. For Trump to praise Ford’s “bloodlines” shows either profound ignorance of history, an innate acceptance of eugenics, or an intentional dog whistle to the white supremacists in his political base—or all three.

Both Hitler and the KKK endorsed the prospect of a Ford presidency. It is unconscionable and un-American for anyone, especially the president, to endorse and celebrate the vile hatred he espoused. Zioness calls on all decent people to condemn Trump’s despicable comment—and its antisemitic roots—and to be vigilant in calling out this horrifying, perverse, and dangerous language, no matter your political allegiance.

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