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ADL Tears Into Women’s March Leaders for Attending Louis Farrakhan Speech (Jewish Journal)

Zioness Movement President Amanda Berman called on the Women’s March leaders to condemn Farrakhan. “It is hypocritical beyond words that they continue to align themselves with Louis Farrakhan, who is an unapologetic bigot that spews hate targeting the Jewish community, LGBTQ community and others,” Berman said in a statement. “There is no ambiguity on this …

Progressive, feminist and Zionist — united under one flag

At the Women’s March in Sacramento last month, an estimated 36,000 women turned out, many donning pink knitted hats with pussycat ears. Among the marchers was Susan George, who joined a busload of women just like her: They all live in Vallejo and all “believe in the representation of all women fighting for education, health …

A year after march, women’s activism grows (Washington Jewish Week)

One year after 500,000 Americans marched on the National Mall for women’s rights, Jewish women activists say that the grassroots crusade initially galvanized by the election of Donald Trump has grown: Not only is it empowering the #MeToo movement and leading a record number of women to seek public office, but it now includes a …