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Democratic Socialists face seven-figure ‘crisis’ amid Palestinian support that may force dreaded layoffs of staff

The DSA has long supported the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement against Israel. “DSA long ago fell into the trap of becoming so radical in the name of ‘justice’ that they abandoned the mission of the progressive movement,” said Amanda Berman, founder and executive director of Zioness, a group representing liberal Jews who support Israel. She …

J Street postpones annual conference, leaving vacuum for Israel advocacy groups in 2024

“There are bigger-picture issues that don’t come up when people are specifically focused on the war that do come up in these conferences,” said Amanda Berman, executive director of the progressive pro-Israel group Zioness. “Often the public statements that we hear recently are less about the broader context — of Israel, Zionism, Jewish identity, American …

Jayapal sister’s congressional candidacy alarming Portland Jewish leaders

Pro-Israel activists in Portland, Ore., are bracing for what could be a bitterly divided House race as longtime Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-OR) prepares to retire at the end of his current term, opening up a rare vacancy in one of the state’s most progressive districts. Among those entering the race are Susheela Jayapal, a former …

Op Ed | Weaponizing ‘genocide’ against Jews & the truth

In the cacophony of global discourse, words matter. They shape our understanding of events, influence our reactions, and, in their worst manipulation, become weapons of misinformation. Today, the word “genocide,” a term rooted in the darkest chapters of human history, is being inappropriately used against Israel, with repercussions that echo deeply in Jewish hearts and …